Dear all,
I came across this short essay recently, and I really enjoyed it.  I thought you all would too, as fellow readers - I think it applies to men who read as well as women.

7/25 update:
So, since Joey complained, I am going to turn this into a proper pensee.  I present to you, Why you should date a Man who Reads (or, why PLS guys have no trouble scoring).

It's easy for a girl to pick up a man who reads - just check a local library or used bookstore.
Forget Hallmark cards, the man who reads can court his lady with real poetry: Shakespeare, John Donne, and Marlowe.  Come live with me and be my love, much?
The man who reads is easy to shop for - if Robert Ludlum doesn't work, try Dickens.
The man who reads is inevitably the best conversationalist; his prose has been honed by great craftsmen.  He knows the value of tongue and pen... take that how you will.
He has the air and the heart of the heroes he's read about- and I don't mean that snot Achilles.  He might, just might, be OK with Mr. Darcy comparisons.  This means that he is one man in a million.
The man who reads has a private world better than golf or fantasy football.  When he "disappears" for a few hours, his girlfriend feels no suspicion.
He has a breadth of thought and knowledge far beyond that of the man who does not read.  To him, the noble worlds of chivalry, of ancient thought or Elizabethan humor, live again in the well-read pages of his books.  And the man who reads embodies the best of those varied ages.
The one thing even better than dating a man who reads?  Marrying one.

7/19/2011 05:34:01 am

I LOVE this. So good. So true. So beautiful. This shows why majors like English and PLS are important, perhaps the most important. Beauty will save the world...

By the way, though, can you post things like this in the Discussions section in the future? I think the pensees section should be reserved for original thoughts in our own words.

7/30/2011 02:43:02 pm


Thank you for a beautiful pensees and a great self-esteem boost!

8/31/2011 06:41:34 am

Lils, you are so creative and funny and talented. How are we even related? My favorite line is "Come live with me and be my love, much?" because it's hilarious. Good work.


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