I turned 22 one week ago today, and this gives me the shameless right to pull the "Well, it's my birthday!" card with a narcissistic post on - you guessed it - birthdays. 

In his book The Movie-Goer, Walker Percy writes, "On this my thirtieth birthday, I know nothing and there is nothing left to do but fall prey to desire."  Inspired, I've thought a bit about what I know on this, my 22nd birthday, and what I hope for from the years to come.

On Becoming a Palindrome
What does it mean to turn twenty-two?
In a burst rather golden, with a little of blue
With a grand lyric blast (was that a tear, too?)
Oh, the heart can still hurt when you turn twenty-two.

Your dreams on their strings may glide near at your tug
To your strange, sweet delight there's a new sort of love
And you wear your years light as a silken-cloak hug
The world's a pearl-oyster when you're at the start of


But there's a slight feeling, now that school's done -
Oh wear am I going?  And where am I from?
Abandon all hope, or after joy's red rose run?
(The choices are rife now you've passed twenty-one.)

At twenty-two, drink from life's goblet your fill
Live with abandon (at moments, be still)
Sow wide of your days and reap in a rich till
(For you can't quite forget, in the years' churning mill;)

I now have at least fifty more years to kill.

One final, slightly more cheery, thought on birthdays; specifically what I hope for mine in years to come.  In the words of Wendell Berry:

To Tanya on my Sixtieth Birthday
What wonder have you done to me?
In binding love you set me free.
These sixty years the wonder prove:
I bring you aged a young man's love.

9/26/2011 03:46:47 pm

Miss Lilly, your lyrical style is simply lovely. I always enjoy your writing so much.

9/28/2011 10:02:04 am


Like Katie, I do love your poetry. Your rhyme scheme and meter are just sublime because of their simplicity. I do not mean to diminish your poetry by saying that it is "simple" in any way. What I merely mean is that it is so refreshing to read something that rolls right off the tongue. I hope when you all read this poem you read it out loud (Fallon, Marvin, and Weinfeld are all shaking their fingers at you).

And the content is very pensive indeed. Happy belated 22nd birthday, Lily and Tess! Yes, your birthday this year is at an interesting crossroads. When you were a kid, birthdays were always a fun thing with cake, presents, silly hats, a party with your friends, and hey maybe even the red power ranger might stop by! Then you get a little older and you look forward to birthdays that have certain perks. You can't wait to turn 17/18 to drive and 21 to drink, but then after 21 what do you have to look forward to? Your poem captures both the optimism and pessimism of this state with lines like "Abandon all hope, or after joy's red rose run?"

You have written a lovely poem. Kudos, Lily.


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