"It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure."
Albert Einstein

"if i had only one life to live, of course i would live it with you; and if i had only one life to give, of course i would give it to you.  But in the wide multitudes that i contain, it seems that at some point i forgot your name.   i can't regret it or think it a shame; for i've so many lives to live."

9/16/2011 08:42:22 am


This is great. I love the way you rhyme. It is childlike, not childish. It reminds me a little of William Blake's poetry. I also am intrigued by you not capitalizing the i's. What's going on there? A loss of self or a loss of individualization?


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