"Our notion of truth is the first sacrifice we make in life." -Anonymous


10/11/2011 07:16:24 pm

I would agree with this statement. When I was younger I had all these ideas about how things should be, what was right and what was wrong, how life should work and how people should act. I thought these "truths" were set in stone. I was always right, anyone who disagreed with me was wrong.

Then, somewhere in the first couple years of college, I started to realize how valuable it is to listen - really listen - to other people, to think outside of the box that I, my family and my past had crammed me in and to be open to mental, spiritual, even physical expansion. Eyes, ears, mind and soul need to be open because whatever ideas we were so sure of as teenagers were most likely wrong in some way or another.

So yes, I would say the first big sacrifice I've made in my life was to realize that truth did not reside with me and only me, and that my conceptions of truth were only my conceptions and not truth itself.

But if any of you disagree with me on this you are wrong and stupid and ugly.


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