So I was talking with a friend a while ago about the many reason's why I hate New Year's Eve. After a litany of reasons, I threw in for good measure the fact that almost every major holiday has a food associated with it, except for New Year's. Here's my list so far.
Valentine's Day - chocolates (or other heart shaped candy)
St. Patrick's Day - Corned beef and Cabbage
Easter - chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, peeps
4th of July - hot dogs and hamburgers. Foods that are "American"
Halloween - candy, particularly candy corn.
Thanksgiving - Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, pies, etc.
Christmas - candy canes, a nice ham or goose or roast beef?
New Year's - ?

Does this ignominious 
In case anybody didn't see this commercial that aired during the Boston College game and partially features PLS, including Professor Fallon:

What I'd like to know is, where are they in that classroom scene where Fallon is teaching? It looks like Main Building, possibly. I wonder if they moved the class there just for the video shoot so that people around the world would not see how embarrassing the humanities buildings are at Notre Dame.

Some friends recently shared this article, which I found troubling and sad.  It is quite long, and I have not actually finished it yet - but the first 2 pages held enough statistics to distress me on behalf of men today.  I am so grateful to know all of you Notre Dame men who are educated, hard-working, and good.

I would love to hear other opinions about it. 

- LC