Have you ever wondered if your writing style mirrors that of David Brooks? Do you think you and Ross Douthat have a lot in common as writers? If so, I have pretty much the sweetest website ever for you: I Write Like

You enter a sample of your writing, and it tells you who you write like. For your information, I allegedly write like David Foster Wallace and (ugh) Dan Brown. Pretty cool, huh?

- Tess
This isn't really a discussion.  Or anything else.  It's an instruction -

Last night I watched one of the best movies I've seen in theaters in a while: Woody Allen's newest film, Midnight in Paris.  I've been reading a lot of literature about Paris lately, from Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast" to Paula McLain's recent novel "The Paris Wife".  This movie came as a perfect culmination of my literary pursuits this summer.  I really, really recommend it to every one of you - it's very timely and appropriate to PLS majors or any lovers of literature and the past.

Please, please rush to your nearest theater to see it.  And then post your thoughts on this board.  Has anyone seen it already?  If yes, thoughts appreciated.

For a brief "cultural curriculum," I suggest the following:
1. Read "A Moveable Feast" - it's beautiful and brilliant
2. Read a few Hemingway works; "The Sun Also Rises" is probably the most appropriate
3. Read "The Paris Wife" (I own it, and I'm happy to lend it to anyone who can provide me with a mailing address)
4. Top it all off with "Midnight in Paris"
I guarantee, you won't be disappointed.

As a final note, I strongly missed our "PLS movie nights" while I watched it, and I wished that you were all there to see it and discuss it with me.

Love to all,

Hi everyone, Tess here. Today I found this (kind of hilarious) article about new man-made floating islands that will contain various small republics, currently being designed by the guy who founded PayPal, Peter Thiel. 

I think this sounds like a PLSer's dream come true. Anyone interested in helping me found a virtuous republic? How about a Catholic theocracy? I call being queen, of course. :)

Love you guys!
Check out this video. It's pretty funny and actually makes some pretty good points.

